mercoledì 17 settembre 2014

lost by a rosary beads chain

Lost by a rosary beads chain.. Gezi Park.. Istanbul..  Hasan, 25, turkish teacher and activist told me:' what hold our country, is the religion doctrine, as a chain, look, peppe, we are educated to think to 'thanks god', if i've got a shoes pair, we 'thanks god', but even if i haven't any shoes, we 'thanks god' cause we've foot, and so on, the politicians circus today is easily using that, if our president says we are a good economy anyone can have today his rented family house, many families will applause and smile of their rented house, thanks to the president, avoiding to think that for how many years they worked in their life they should be able in a normal country to get their own house, and so on for many things, from the such young working age, the such huge purity average, and the huge unemployment rate, for this, peppe i love my job, it is the first and greatest revolution step, it is the first step to build another generation, another country that will rise up, we try to teach to our young generation to think actively before than perfectly write on a line or be able to read and speak correctly, we teach them to be creative, autonomous, independent, we teach them to be active thinking citizen' Walking trough Gezi Park, the first morning I arrived in Istanbul looking to this men resting on the park and the many young street sellers al around the square i thought... I see an elderly man resting on a side of the park, he strong hold a rosary beads in his hands, turned off gaze, showing the fatigue of who worked an entire life resisting, as closed in his resignation, I look his hands holding that rosary beads, this resignation, this elderly man, you and your colleagues working, your gazes, how they such remind me many of my mother land, thinking to that resignation, to that rosary beads of this elderly man that spent a life resisting and you that start your resisting life already from your young age I think to this ‘thanks to god’ that kills many population taking off their future from their hands, I think to this Mediterranean link,
To all of us in our twenties in any country trying to broke some beads chain.. DIREN TURKISH DIREN...

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